Working in partnership with Imperial College London to improve understanding of long COVID in our local community
Dec 8, 2022
On the 18th of May 2022, the Mosaic Community Trust collaborated with Imperial College, London to undertake a community awareness session on long COVID.
Long COVID was considered a priority area after many from the community raised that they were experiencing ongoing symptoms after a COVID-19 infection.
The session was developed and hosted by Mosaic in collaboration with Dr Ellie Worthington (GP/Clinical lead for NWL Respiratory and Post Covid services/Hammersmith and Fulham GP Federation), Nahail Idris (Post COVID Recovery Occupational Therapist, Central and North West London), Manka Patel (Post COVID Recovery Physiotherapist, Central and North West London) and Halle Johnson (Public Involvement Officer at the Patient Experience Research Centre).
The purpose of the session was to:
Understand current perceptions and experiences of Long COVID in the Community
Raise awareness of Long COVID (what it is, who is affected, symptoms)
Share strategies for Long COVID symptom management; and